In this blog words Sutra, amorphism, formula 8s used synonymously. So are also the words Upa-Sutra, Sub-Sutra, Sub-formulae, corollory used.
The Sutras apply to and cover almost every branch of Mathematics. They apply even to complex problems involving a large number of mathematical operations. Application of the Sutras saves a lot of time and effort in solving the problems, compared to the formal methods presently in vogue. Though the solutions appear like magic, the application of the Sutras is perfectly logical and rational. The computation made on the computers follows, in a way, the principles underlying the Sutras. The Sutras provide not only methods of calculation, but also ways of thinking for their application.
This series of posts on Vedic Mathematics seeks to present an integrated approach to learning Mathematics with keenness of observation and inquisitiveness, avoiding the monotony of accepting theories and working from them mechanically. The explanations offered make the processes clear to the learners. The logical proof of the Sutras is detailed, which eliminates the misconception that the Sutras are a jugglery.
Application of the Sutras improves the computational skills of the learners in a wide area of problems, ensuring both speed and accuracy, strictly based on rational and logical reasoning. The knowledge of such methods enables the teachers to be more resourceful to mould the students and improve their talent and creativity. Application of the Sutras to specific problems involves rational thinking, which, in the process, helps improve intuition that is the bottom - line of the mastery of the mathematical geniuses of the past and the present such as Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Srinivasa Ramanujan, etc.
Following posts makes use of the Sutras and Sub-Sutras stated above for presentation of their application for learning Mathematics at the secondary school level in a way different from what is taught at present, but strictly embodying the principles of algebra for empirical accuracy. The innovation in the presentation is the algebraic proof for every elucidation of the Sutra or the Sub-Sutra concerned.
Terms and Operations
- Ekadhika means ‘one more’. So Ekadhika of 0 is one. Like this, Ekadhika of 99 is 100.
- Ekanyuna means ‘one less’. So Ekanyuna of 1 is zero. Like this Ekanyuna of 3 is 2.
- Purak means ‘complement’(in exact words 10’s complement). So Paurank of 9 is (10-9)=1, Paurank of 7 is (10-7)=3 and 5 is 5.
- Rekhank means ‘a digit with a bar on its top’. In other words it is a negative number.
eg: A bar on \(\overline 7\) is written as 7. It is called Rekhank 7 or bar 7. We treat Purak as a Rekhank. For example, \(\overline 7\) is 3 and \(\overline 3\) is 7. At some instances we write negative numbers also with a bar on the top of the numbers as: -4 can be shown as \(\overline 4\) -21 can shown as \(\overline 21\)
- Beejank: The Sum of the digits of a number is called Beejank. If the addition is a two digit number, then these two digits are also to be added up to get a single digit.
e.g: Beejank of 27 is 2 + 7 = 9. Beejank of 348 is 3 + 4 + 8 = 15, further 1 + 5 = 6. i.e. 6 is Beejank.